Summer Camps
The success of our Summer Camps lies in the fact that we bring the best talent in every field to the villages to spend time with the children, interact with them, perform for them and inspire them. We also focus on positive thinking and personality development. In short, these camps ensure that the children get to dream big! Thanks to the kind of talent that they get to interact with.
Project VENDA saved me from having to work during summer holidays – in workshops, construction sites, catering units or home stays. I used to feel scared and helpless amidst adults I did not know. In fact, very often we’ve wished that there would be school everyday of the year. But now, we eagerly look forward to these summer camps. We get to learn new things – music, dance, painting, pottery, acting and football. I learnt to play the guitar and one day I want to perform for an audience – maybe even make a career out of it.